Qualifying Year of Build:
Classic and Vintage vessels are defined by CYA to include those vessels built during certain years, as follows:
From the CYA By-Laws:
"The qualifications of the classic yacht shall be: a power driven pleasure boat of good design, construction and maintenance, which shows no exterior alterations that detract from the designer's original intent".
Power Driven Pleasure Boat:
The Classic Yacht Association By-Laws limit Classic and Vintage membership to power driven vessels. Sailing and motor-sailing vessels are excluded. Engines may be gasoline, diesel or steam. No restrictions are placed on replacement of engines.
Good Design:
The elements of good design for classic and vintage vessels were established by the recognized designers and builders of the eras.
Vessels that have been accepted by the Association include those by Blanchard, Brostrom, Burrows, Carr & Stone, Chris-Craft, Consolidated, Cryer, Dawn, Dickman, Elco, Franck, Geary, Felllows & Stewart, Garwood, Grandy, Hacker, Hand, Hoffar, Hunter, Jensen, Kneass, LaBruzzi, Lake Union, Matthews, Monk, Nunes, Owens, Richardson, Schrock, Shertzer, Stephens, Swanson, Taylor, Trumpy, Wheeler and Wilmington (Wilbo).
There are member vessels by other builders and designers that have also been accepted for membership.
Vessels accepted for membership under this criterion would include:
Construction is defined to mean the construction techniques, materials, structural details, and standards of craftsmanship commonly used during the eras of the classic and vintage vessels. Visual inspections and photographs will be used to verify construction standards.
Well maintained shall be determined by a recent visual inspection of the the vessel's condition as reported by the sponsoring fleet.
Well maintained is defined to mean that a vessel is in operating conditions in the water, and is free of serious structural damage or deterioration
Vessels in the process of restoration, vessels out of the water, and vessels without engines are not eligible, but their owners are encouraged to apply for membership with the understanding that final consideration for Classic or Vintage membership will be delayed until conditions have been corrected.
External Alterations:
Structural alterations that were options provided by the builders or designers at the time the vessel was built will be permitted when they are compatible with the design and construction of the vessel.
This alterations such as a flying bridge or enclosed cockpit will be permitted if they were options at the time the vessel wass built, and if executed in a way that meets the definitions of design and construction as stated above.
Items of an accessory nature that could be removed without changing the operation or structure of the vessel will be permitted. Thus, bolt-on swim steps, bait tanks, buggy tops, cowlings and the like are permitted
Pleasure vessels converted to another use will not be permitted unless restored. Structural damage caused by fire to other conditions must be restored in a way that meets the definitions of design and construction as stated above.