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Your donation will help us to promote and facilitate the care and feeding of these fine, old motor yachts.

CYA is a 501(c)3 Educational Organization

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Information for new CYA Members

    Welcome the Classic Yacht Association and thank you for joining us! 

    Our members embrace our role in preserving the maritime heritage of 20th century pleasure boating and have deep respect for the craftsmanship of all of the beautiful vessels built during this time.  We see ourselves as stewards of these classic yachts and we are dedicated to their preservation, responsible use and enjoyment. We are proud to be part of this extended maritime community and we eagerly share our knowledge and experience with the goal of educating everyone about these fine old motor yachts

    When you join the CYA, you will also receive the following:

    • The Welcome Company of Like-Minded Individuals……..  Need we say more!
    • Member Name Tags…..  Name tags are provided to new members joining the Canadian, Northern California, and Pacific Northwest Fleets.  Wear them to events so people can easily get to know you.
    • A Red and Blue CYA Burgee…..  Our burgee is also included as part of your membership. Fly the burgee proudly to indicate that you are a member of the Classic Yacht Association.
    • A Printed Roster...  Updated yearly, you will be listed along with other CYA members. The roster contains a lot of information about the CYA including: The Association’s bylaws and governing structure; description of the criteria for membership eligibility and the new member application process; a list of Fleet events (current at the time of publication), and lists of current and former officers.  You will appreciate the ability to contact the many members of the Classic Yacht Association provided in the roster.
    • Invitations to Member Events……You will be invited to special events, boat shows, cruise-ins, gatherings on land or at sea, change of watch events, and have many other opportunities to meet others interested in classic yachts.  The most current list of Fleet events can be found on our website.
    • Newsletters... Newsletters are created by both the  Association and most local Fleets. The newsletters contain information and articles on members vessels, scheduled events both on land and sea, photos of members boats and more.  The Association and Fleet newsletters are distributed to all members electronically and you will receive a printed copy of the Association newsletter and the one created for your Fleet.
    • Full access to our Website….  The CYA website contains a LOT of information about the Association and each Fleet including:  Electronic process for people to join the CYA; electronic process to pay annual dues; electronic profiles for each member (See who lives in your town or city!  See who owns a boat like yours!); current list of events for each Fleet; electronic process to register for events; CYA governing documents; electronic copies of association and Fleet newsletters; logos to use to create your own CYA swag; CYA yacht registry; articles about the history of our boats, naval architects, and boat builders; classified ads (anyone can post an ad to sell a wooden boat – they don’t have to be members); and previous Bell Harbor Rendezvous posters.
    • Your Opportunity to Create CYA Swag.... You can create your own personal CYA swag!  CYA logos are available at Classic Yacht Association - CYA Logos (wildapricot.org).  Purchase a hat, an item of clothing, a set of coffee mugs; download the CYA logos; send them to your favorite embroidery or print shop; and create the CYA swag of your dreams!  
    • Tax Advantages... The Classic Yacht Association is a tax-exempt non-profit organization as described in Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax deductible. Tax ID number is 90-0396800.
    • Well Being……. You may find yourself with reduced psychiatric bills.  Knowing you are not crazy for loving that floating chunk of wood and sweat. Just the knowledge that there are other people out in the world with the same interests is somehow very reassuring.
    Who knows what other benefits may accrue to you and your beloved boat. 
    Thank you for joining us! 

    Annual Dues and Initiation Fees:

    Annual dues vary slightly by fleet, to account for different regional costs.  All new members are charged a one-time initiation fee of $75, in addition to the first year dues, which covers a burgee, member directory, and plaque for qualifying yachts.

    • Canadian Fleet:  $110 CAD 
    • Northern California Fleet:  $120
    • Pacific Northwest Fleet:  $110
    • Southern California Fleet:  $115
    • USA Fleet (All regions not covered by the fleets above):  $85

    Note: New Member applicants will also be assessed a one-time initiation fee of $75, in addition to the first year dues.

    Step 1. Application for CYA Membership

    • Member Application Form - All members must fill out a Member Application form, either online or a paper form. (See links below.) The basic information required for all members is contact information for a primary member and spouse/partner if applicable. (Your boat information is supplied separately - see below.)
    • Payment may be made online for online applications (any major credit card), or a check may be mailed for either online applications or mailed applications. (Note: Mailed applications and/or checks will delay the approval process.  Online applications and payments will be granted membership immediately.)  Checks should be made payable to the Classic Yacht Association, and mailed to the CYA Treasurer at the address on the form. 

    Step 2. Yacht Register Approval Process

    Classic or Vintage Membership:
    Although ownership of a Classic or Vintage vessel is not a requirement for membership, if you do own one, you may apply for it to be accepted in the CYA Yacht Register as a "Classic" or "Vintage" vessel:

    • Pre-1943: "Classic" Member boats must have been launched prior to December 31, 1942.
    • Pre-1975: "Vintage" Member boats must have been launched prior to December 31, 1974, (or a vessel launched after 1974 which can establish support for special consideration by the Membership Committee.)

    Application for CYA Yacht Register Approvals:  The criteria for acceptance are detailed here.

    • Sponsors: It is recommended that you have a Sponsoring CYA Member review your application and/or visit your vessel to discuss the requirements for membership, and to help make sure that the boat meets all of the necessary criteria. Sponsors can be any CYA Member, but often it is your fleet Commodore or a fleet Port Captain, which are listed on your chosen fleet's web page.
    • CYA Yacht Register Application - This application may be filled out online, or on paper along with the Membership Application.  In addition to the general particulars of the vessel, the following information is also required to be submitted with the application:
    • At least one 3"x5" or larger photograph - This photo should have been taken within the six months prior to the application and must show a broadside view of the vessel in the water. The image of the vessel must be unobstructed and sufficiently large to permit an evaluation of special features. It is often useful to submit several photos, each showing a different view. It is also desirable to include photographs of the interior of the boat. Digital photographs are strongly encouraged. 
    • Historical narrative about the vessel - This typewritten statement should provide historical information about the vessel including: former owners, previous names, restoration activities, special design features, and unique uses of the vessel. When available please include copies of, or references to published materials.

    Remember: You must be a Member of CYA before making application for your yacht into the CYA Yacht Register. Follow the procedure above for joining CYA if you are not already a member.

    Yacht Register Application

    Final approval of yacht classifications rests with the Yacht Registration Committee which serves to ensure association-wide standards as established by the CYA Board of Directors.

    Contact Us   

    (C) 2025 Classic Yacht Association
    CYA is a 501(c)3 Organization

    Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software